Capacity Development for the Renewal of PHC (2011) Version_1en

Promote the development of PHC renewal in the Region of the Americas through strengthening the capacities of health leaders and managers.

-Recognize the structural elements of PHC renewal based on a public health framework, as well as necessary competencies for their attainment.
-Participate in a review process on the progress and challenges in the practice of PHC renewal in the national and international context.
-Design an intervention proposal for PHC renewal within the scope of the participant’s workplace.

Epidemiological Methods (2018)


This course is in progress.


By visiting the Virtual Campus, you can get information of call for applications for new courses. 

The Virtual Campus also offers free Self-learning courses that you can complete at your own pace.

Measurement of Health Status (2018)

The Skills Online Program aims to help public health practitioners develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills in order to make better-informed public health decisions. EPI2 Measuremente of Health Status is the second in a set of three basic modules on epidemiology in public health that is being offered through PAHO's Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH).


The purpose of this module is to enhance learners' understanding and use of common epidemiologic tools, data sources and methods for measuring, monitoring and visually representing the health of a community and to identify and define a basic set of health status indicators.


The objectives of the Measurement of Health Status module are to enable the learner to:

• Describe and use common epidemiologic tools, data sources and methods for measuring, monitoring and visually representing the health of a community
• Use epidemiologic tools, data sources and methods to outline a framework for assessing the health of a community
• Identify and define a basic set of health status indicators
• Locate and use Internet-based data sources to assess the health of a community, as defined in your framework
• Describe the use of a variety of methods for presenting epidemiologic data

Lesson 1: Health Status Assessment
Lesson 2: Health Indicators
Lesson 3: Sources of Health Information
Lesson 4: Organizing and Displaying Epidemiologic Data


Public health practitioners in the English-speaking Caribbean, including public health nurses, environmental public health professionals, health promoters, program managers, dental health practitioners, dietitians, policy analysts, public health veterinarians and other public health practitioners.


Learners should have successfully completed EPI1 Basic Epidemiological Concepts.

Productive Management Methodology for Health Services (2015)

Purpose of the Course

To develop and/or or improve the management information system for decision-making in health care facilities or health services networks by implementing the Productive Management Methodology for Health Services and its supporting tools.

Educational Objectives

1. To recognize the general concepts and actions of the PMMHS that accompany the development or strengthening of a health management information system to allow the attainment of data required for efficient and timely decisionmaking.

2. To analyse the current status of management information systems in health facilities or health services network and their capacity for supporting managerial decision- making.

3. To identify the elements needed to develop or strengthen health management information systems in health care facilities or health services networks using production, efficiency, costs and quality indicators.

4. To apply the elements of a health management information system to managerial decision-making aimed at the continuous improvement of the health care facility or health services network.


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Production and production centres 

Module 3: Indicators

Module 4: Costs

Tutoring in an Online Learning Environment (2016)

Documento sin título

About the Virtual Campus of Public Health
The Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) is a network of people, institutions and organizations that share courses, resources, services and activities. Its emphasis is on education, information and knowledge management in training, with the common purpose of improving the skills and practices of health providers and the public health sector through the development and use of information and communication technologies for the uninterrupted improvement in the performance of continuing education programs in health. The Virtual Campus serves as a link for technical cooperation with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the provision of network learning in the region of the Americas. If you want to know more about the VCPH please visit the link: The development of this course includes the acquired experience from some other courses developed since 2008: "Training Tutors in Learning Environments", "Designing Educational Programs and Teaching Materials for Learning in Virtual Environments", “Virtual Course for Tutors in English”, developed by the VCPH / PAHO, and “Training Tutors for Virtual Educational Proposals in Public Health”, developed by the Argentina node of the VCPH.

This 2016 English edition, is presented as a strategic contribution of the VCPH / PAHO for all organizational units and Anglophone nodes requiring the training of professionals in the areas of design, coordination and mentorship courses in the framework of their technical cooperation projects.

The course offers a panoramic perspective of the various tasks and functions inherent in managing online training, providing both reflective and instrumental views, and ensuring good training practices within the perspective of Permanent Education in Health . (1)

“ The permanent education concept is adopted as a continuum of work-learning actions that occurs in a space of health work/ production/education, which departs from an existing situation (generally a problem situation), and is directed at overcoming it, at changing it, at transforming it into a different and desired situation.” (2)

[1] Davini MC. Educación permanente en salud. Washington: Organização Panmericana de La Salud; 1995.
[2] Ricaldoni CAC, de Sena RR. Permanent education: a tool to think and act in nursing work. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2006;14(6):837–42.


This course is extremely important for the educational proposals of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) and the academic institutions of the region, because of the promotion of continuing education as well as the development of Public Health human resources.

Continuing education has received a major boost since the inception of the information and communication technologies, particularly with the use of Internet as an educational tool. These new tools allow:
  • Efficient interaction in order to facilitate more agile communications when using the exchange of experiences and group discussions, where group reflections and analyses are taken into account for the building of knowledge in a collaborative way.
  • Access to the learning environment from different places and according to personal schedules. This grants greater flexibility to the educational proposals as well as more autonomy to students; encouraging them to use their individual learning processes based on their own rhythms and interests.

  • Access to information sources that enable the exchange of professional experiences between students from different cultures and nationalities offering unprecedented network learning opportunities.
Throughout the course, participants will receive constant assistance and support from their tutors. This will also provide them with the framework for their subsequent job as tutors in the virtual educational programs. This will also allow them to experience what their future students will experience and to better understand the processes they will go through and the challenges they will face.

We hope this will be a positive and successful experience for all!
  • Develop virtual teaching skills within the framework of the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH).
  • Analyze the training of health professionals from a Continuing Education in Health perspective.
  • Provide an overview of how to edit and set up materials in Moodle classrooms.
  • Support the design and assembly of virtual educational proposals.